The creation of life is a divine gift that can never be duplicated by man; it is beyond human intellect. This is why no living thing, whether a plant or human cell, or a living being for this matter, can be created successfully in a laboratory from chemical compounds. Animal clones have already proven their fallibility. Living things such as living foods and living beings can only be created by nature.*
A diet based on "God's Way", although a bit stricter, is more in line with the traditional Mediterranean Diet characterized by a high consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, fish, very small amounts of red meat, and eggs, and low consumption of dairy products.
Medical research backs the traditional Mediterranean Diet as a powerful force in staying healthy. The Mayo Clinic website states: A meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean Diet was associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality as well as overall mortality. The diet has also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease (the US number one killer), and is associated with a lower level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, a reduced incidence of cancer, as well as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. In Bloomberg's Global Health Index of 163 countries, Italy boasts the world's healthiest people. The March 2017 report states "A baby born in Italy can expect to live to be an octogenarian," with far less incidence of high blood pressure than the US, UK, or Canada. The US ranked 34 negatively impacted by the high prevalence of overweight people.
"God's Way" is a stricter version of the traditional Mediterranean Diet due to the influence of globalization which has changed some of the basic ingredients. One particular food group eliminated from the "God's Way" diet are grains especially "wheat". The wheat grown today is not the wheat God created. Stefano Benedettelli, Associate Professor of Food Sciences at the University of Florence, has stated, "The mechanisms by which wheat confers protective effects on human health are attributed to the physical properties and structure of grains. Modern species (of grains) have been extensively modified and subject to crossbreeding in what is commonly referred to as the Green Revolution...that occurred between the 1930's and the late 1960's. The principle results of this revolution were the development of modern varieties characterized by higher yield, reduced susceptibility to disease and insects, an increased tolerance to environmental stresses, a homogeneous maturation (to optimize harvests) and a higher gluten content. There was a concomitant decrease in genetic variability as well as a gradual impoverishment of the nutritional properties of the wheat. "As written in Forbes, all that came at a cost and the human result - an overweight but undernourished population, prone to health problems. Under-nutrition is characterized by an excessive caloric intake coupled with insufficient micronutrient consumption.
Wheat may also be contaminated with glyphosate, the main ingredient in the herbicide called Roundup. The World Health Organization's cancer group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified glyphosate as a probably carcinogen. Farmers may spray glyphosate on wheat and other crops right before harvest. This practice is known as desiccating which accelerates the drying down of the grain. Gerald Wiebe, a farmer and agricultural consultant stated, "Consumers don't realize when they buy wheat products like flour, cookies, and bread they are getting glyphosate residues in those products. It's barbaric to put glyphosate in food a few days before you harvest it." Health concerns come from a growing body of research documenting glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor and that it kills beneficial gut bacteria, damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells, and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals.* Glyphosate damages the gut lining causing it to become porous, allowing toxins and undigested protein fragments to enter the bloodstream causing widespread inflammation, liver and kidney damage. Glyphosate also inactivates the liver's defense system known as the Cytochrome P450 which is critical for our health.* The CYP450 is essential for the production of numerous agents including cholesterol and steroids and is necessary for the detoxification of foreign chemicals and the metabolism of drugs.